Sunday, May 11, 2014



My highest honor, reminding me of my inadequacies and God’s grace, my greatest joy, my struggle, my purpose, stretching me to see things from another perspective, my call to pray and intercede, my protective nature revealed, my organizational skills thrown out of the window, my realization that cleanliness is relative, socks don’t have to match, Pooh Bears are essential,  boundaries are necessary, wooden spoons are effective, and pizza is all 4 food groups in one.  My reminder to stop and enjoy, hide chocolate, play memory and basketball, win sometimes, hug often, share Truth, forgive quickly, love purely, deeply, and without restraint.  It’s my way to make an eternal difference.  My greatest reminder that God’s grace is sufficient to cover my insufficiency.  

Praying for all the Mom's out there today, that you will draw all you need as a mom and woman from Jesus.  He is more than enough, our teacher and example, empowering us to walk in love and truth and to instill the same within the next generation : )

 Love, Chrissy

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS! You are truly an inspiration Chrissy. Thank you.
